Your Decision On THE STRANGE---Ready for CHANGED or CHAINED.
Please take notes: After complete reading this blog,come back here to read more on the following sites:
(A)Click to enter SEE THE WORLD SITUATION==> (B)YOU TUBE VIDEOS :New World Order Conspiracy\\
(C)YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE HERE FOR VERY HIGH BLESSING IN YOUR LIFE TIME, IT IS ALL FREE KNOWLEGE THAT I ACQUIRE FROM HARD LEARNING. BAD LUCK IS TRUE FOR EVERYONE; IT IS INBORN. IT IS NOT SUPERTITIOUS BELIEF BUT TRUE IN LOGICAL SCIENCE and DAILY EXPERIENCE. LEARN UP THE OPEN SECRET HERE. YOU CAN AVOID IT AND BE A FREE AND HAPPY PERSON. It is very important to know the following, but nobody tell you, check in now. Do you know: (1)What is darkness(stronghold), dark knowledge. The WORLD AND EVERY PERSON IS BEING CONTROLLED INSIDE and OUTSIDE by FORCES.........This you need to login and see it real in my blog . (2)The differences of SON OF GOD, SON OF MAN, JESUS,JESUS CHRIST and CHRIST JESUS? Otherwise it bring BAD LUCK in the belief! (3) Muslim is waiting for the second coming of Jesus? login==>
Monday, April 27, 2009
NIBIRU in the END TIME :Revelation 6: 12-16
The above vides depiction is very similar to the message I heard from THE HOLY SPIRIT in APRIL 2009 in the church by a high servant of GOD.
VERSE 12 ¶ And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; Rev. 11.13 ; 16.18 and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
VERSE 13 and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, Is. 13.10 · Ezek. 32.7 · Joel 2.31 · Mt. 24.29 · Mk. 13.24, 25 · Lk. 21.25 even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
VERSE 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; Is. 34.4 and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Rev. 16.20
VERSE 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; Is. 2.10
VERSE 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us Hos. 10.8 · Lk. 23.30 from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Why ALL RELIGIONS suddenly talk about 2012 and seem to agree?
year that has been associated with many theories, scientific
facts and prophecies of a coming global change.
What will happen in 2012? Explore what many believe:
THESE ARE MANY SOURCES SHADE LIGHT ON THE SAME SUBJECT MATTERclick and read later ,if you wish ,after you complete the reading in this blog:
Pole Reversal / Shift Collective Manifestation Web Bot Predictions Galactic Alignment Biblical Interpretations World War III Natural disaster Wormholes / Stargates Jewish Calendar 11:11 & 2012 DNA Evolution / Consciousness Shift Mother Shipton Bible Code 2012
I made only 2 extracts from the website 2012SUPPLIES.COM
What is 2012? In short, 2012 is a quickly approaching
year that has been associated with many theories, scientific
facts and prophecies of a coming global change.
What will happen in 2012? Explore what many believe:
Extract one:About Jewish Calendar 2012
source: by Marianne Tioran
Between Mayan prophecies, predictions that seem reasonable
from solar cycle peaks, Bible prophecy in general, and the
Seiner prophecy, it seems like the tribulation would start around
2011, and end in 2018, with the return of Jesus. Can this be true?
Calculating elapsed years to determine the right year in the
Jubilee cycle using Hebrew calendar
Current year on Jewish calendar September 2008- September
2009: 5769
Year temple was destroyed – first year of 7 year cycle: 3829
Years elapsed: 5769-3829 = 1940
Last Jubilee year on calendar – but not observed currently since
Israel is still not all returned to land.
1940 elapsed years / 50 = 38.8 , so
50 x 38 = 1900 elapsed years
1940 current elapsed years – 1900 elapsed years = 40 years ago
would have been the last Jubilee if all Israel had returned home.
This means there will be another Jubilee in 10 years, at the end of
solar cycle 24, beginning of solar cycle 25 ( years 2019-2020 solar
Converting to solar calendar
Now: September 2008 – September 2009 = first year of next 7 years, and next solar cycle of 11 years.
So 40 years already into the jubilee cycle (from above calculations), + ten years from now =
September 2018 – September 2019 next year of Jubilee
** I may be off by one year here, since one Hebrew year overlaps one solar year.
If Messiah would come to establish peace in September 2018-19,
then 7 years before that is the tribulation/wrath period. This means
the 7 year tribulation/wrath would start in September 2011-12.
Since 2018-19 (Messiah) – 7 = 2011-12 ( 7 year tribulation/wrath)
This is all calculations. So remember that. The Jubilee calculation
agrees with what I see in the solar cycle predictions. It also agrees
with the Mayan calendar of 2012, since September 2011 –
September 2012 is the first year of the tribulation.
Money, property, family and friends:
a. work to witness to family and friends to assure salvation, so they will leave with you, if there is a rapture in 2011.
b. prepare to leave what you have behind to Israel, so the heathen world will not confiscate your stuff and use it for evil.
c. make sure your own heart is pure and righteous before God
If I am wrong, then fine, we have more time.
If I am right, we have very little time left.
[Michaelsne comment the above article=To me the JUBILEE is the key factor /elment]
Extract two: Golden Age to begin in 2012
Mayan Calendar Corroborates Hindu Prophecy
In the “Brahma-Vaivarta Purana”, Lord Krishna tells Ganga Devi that
a Golden Age will come in the Kali Yuga - one of the four stages of
development that the world goes through as part of the cycle of eras,
as described in Hindu scriptures. Lord Krishna predicted that this
Golden Age will start 5,000 years after the beginning of the Kali
Yuga, and will last for 10,000 years.
Mayan Calendar Matches Hindu Calendar
It is interesting that this prediction of the emergence of a new world
is prophesied to appear about the same time that the Mayans
predicted it to come! The Mayan calendar began with the Fifth Great
Cycle in 3114 BC and will end on 21 December 2012 AD. The Hindu
Kali Yuga calendar began on 18 February 3102 B.C. There is only a
difference of 12 years between the Hindu's beginning of the Kali
Yuga and the Mayan's beginning of the Fifth Great Cycle.
Golden Age Could Begin in 2012
The ancient Hindus mainly used lunar calendars but also used
solar calendars. If an average lunar year equals 354.36 days, then
this would be about 5270 lunar years from the time when the Kali
Yuga started until 21 Dec 2012. This is the same year that the
Mayans predict rebirth of our planet. It is also about 5113 solar years
of 365.24 days per year, and is day number 1,867,817 into the Kali
Yuga. By either solar or lunar years, we are over 5,000 years into the
Kali Yuga and it is time for Lord Krishna's prophecy to happen
according to the ancient Hindu scriptures. Lord Krishna's Golden
Age could easily begin in 2012!
Mayan Prophecy Matches Hindu Prophecy
It is amazing that both calendars began at about the same time over
5,000 years ago and both calendars predict a totally new world
and/or golden age after about 5,000 years into their calendars! We
are definitely on to something with these Mayan and Hindu 2012
predictions. Historically, this is an amazing fact since these two
ancient cultures did not have any contact.
Various Puranas (like Bhagavata 12.2) give lists of Kali Yuga symptoms. Some of them are:
In relation to rulers[ Source: Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Section CLXXXIX[3]
Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly. Rulers will no longer see it as their
duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world. People
will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.
Avarice and wrath will be common, men will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance
of Dharma will occur. Lust will be viewed as being socially acceptable. People will have thoughts of
murder for no justification, and they will see nothing wrong with that mind-set.
People will be inclined to follow false sciences. Family murders will also occur. People will see those
who are helpless as easy targets and remove everything from them.
Many other unwanted changes will occur. The right hand will deceive the left, and the left the right.
Men with false reputation of learning will teach the Truth. The old will betray the innocence of the
young, and the young will betray the dotage of the old. Cowards will have a reputation for bravery, and
the brave will be enervated cowards. People will not trust anyone in the world, not even their
immediate family. Husband and wife will find contempt in each other.
In Kali Yuga, even pre-teenage girls will get pregnant. The primary cause will be the social
acceptance of sexual intercourse as being the central requirement of life.
Kali is a ferocious form of the Divine Mother, who sent her Shakti, the
Mother Gauri, to free the gods from the dominion of the demonic forces
Shumbh and Nishumbh. Kali is the goddess of time and of the
transformation that is death. Kali also is the Kundalini energy that
paralyses the attachments produced by the solar and lunar currents
(both demons).
It is believed that sin will increase exponentially, whilst virtue will fade and cease to flourish. People
will take vows only to break them soon after.
Death and famine will be everywhere. Men will have lustful thoughts, and so will women. People will
without reason destroy trees and gardens. Men will commit murder. There will be no respect for
animals, and meat eating will start.
People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks. Men will find their jobs stressful and will go to
retreats to escape their work.
Gurus will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will
be insulted and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.
As the sin increases exponentially, so will the incidence of divine justice and wrath.
MichaelSNE comment: 1. It is amazing that both calendars began at about the same time over
5,000 years ago and both calendars predict a totally new world
and/or golden age after about 5,000 years into their calendars! We
are definitely on to something with these Mayan and Hindu 2012
predictions. Historically, this is an amazing fact since these two
ancient cultures did not have any contact.==YES, THIS COULD BE ABOUT THE SAME TIME ADAM
AND EVE APPERANCE ON EARTH AND KALI WAS already there in the creation with them. COMMENT (2)About .5000years=500years of SILENCE x 10( connotation of LAW and COMPLETE) is a time frame GOD(Creator of LIFE) KEEP silent and out of human affairs AND human affairs were/are in a state under the control of so called “LIVING GOD”[ connotation: GODS were worshiped for the need of HUMAN LIVING , a covenant in which “this god” reign over HUMAN LIFE , and human getting assistance from ‘”this god” who are NOT THEIR CREATOR by trading their souls to this god. The creator gave 5000 years of grace perion, after that GOD CREATOR OF LIVE claim back and required all created beings to give accountability(“warning notice” were executed like the events of SODOM GLOMORRA and NOAH FLOOD.—Within the r 5000 years—“ MY SPIRIT NO MORE STRIE WITH MAN, TILL THE SIN IS FULL)[ 500years span between Old Testament MALACCI and NEW TESTAMENT].=The story of creation of ADAM and EVE, all created beings(animals, plants….) ordained to procreate AFTER ITS OWN KIND meaning off springs comply with the SAME DNA; nevertheless this clause is NOT EXPRESSIVELY RECORDED IN THE BIBLE FOR OFFSRINGS OF ADAM AND EVE, on the other hand it is expressively recorded that enmity between offspring of EVE(woman who was a human) and offspring of SERPENT( non-human)[ We can take the meaning spiritually and literally]. If we are to take it literally then probably that can explain of all sort of strange beings now in the world so called the products of evolution,cross-bred, “SECONDARY aliens”……..and etc. [please note: THE” PRIMARY ALIENs” could be at the time of HUMANOID and DINOSAURS before ADAM and EVE. ]
Now please watch the following 2 videos and try to size up the pieces of informations provided in the videos. By the way, from I learn from one source [ heaven fed-back], during NOAH FLOOD , the ark(ship) sailed from Africa (somewhere between Congo and Sudan –not as what we tend to assume the event took place in the middle east. Another point is at the time of CAIN ,the moral corruption around them was terrible, but his parents –Adam and Eve taught them good morality. THAT MEANS THEY WERE ALREADY OTHER “PEOLPLE” other than ADAM’s FAMILY MEMBERS!!!!Note: this is written here for some of my friends ,only them they can understand what is the source of information. we try to save time here and avoid complicating the matter ). I need to emphasize again about evolution: if we take the assumption of evolution of human from a single cell then of course it takes million/billions of year, on the other hand if we take the assumption of CREATION BASED ON SOME ESTABLISED BELIEF then the 5000years of many events stated in all the “prophecies “is significant and consistence to the speculation about 2012. Finally I would like to ask a thought provoking question: How come suddenly so many sources ( there are more than 20 as listed down in this blogging as stated in 2012SUPPLIES.COM)? ??? I have no other alternative but to believe that: All the gods of all religions already knew THE ULTIMATE CREATOR (I don’t mean the each planet creatorS),who already noticed them since “day one”---There will be reckoning day after giving out/delicated out ALL ADMISTRAVE POWER to the FREE EXERCISE BY THE INDIVIDUAL ONES.
MichaelSne Conclusion: My objective of this bloging is:
(1) There is a creation by GOD ( ULTIMATE Supreme Being)justified by the key events of 5000years and 2012AD which seems to explain each other.
(2) There could be VARIATION OF DNA due to many factors but not in the strict sense of EVOLUTION by convention science.
(3) There could be other created beings not of our human kind ,the ramnants of humanoid at the time of dinosaurs, that “spill over” to ADAM AND EVE whom many believe as the supposed prototype of present human being.. These humanoid are one of the complicating factors accounting for so-called aliens(strange creatures), of course along the way of human history due to perverted sex and biotech and occult science ……..In short, till today there are still many difficulties to denife all the terms: ALIENS, GIANTs and ANNUNAKI. ( Anyway, many deformed beings were destroyed during the events of SODOM GLOMORA and NOAH FLOOD.which serve as the precedent for the end of this world.—Judgement comes When the sin is full --in that sense.
(4) One things seems quite certain form the above video THE SAME DARK FORCES are working as the living god and working among the people since day one of the start in human history/culture.[Note; the talk in the first video TITLE " WHO WERE SUMERIANS" which is on the TOP at LEFT by Llyod PYE-The thin gentle man towardthe end of video: LIVING GOD AND 12...The bosses!! The bosses!!---I love his talking!]
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Is all this environmental information just vibrational energies which are presented to our body and then decoded to form a perception in the brain according to our programs and patterns? ie: Do we subconsciously 'read' or filter this data then build an experience that seems real?
Can I get outside of my experience to prove anything is fact or real, or is reality bound to ones experience like the fabric to the shirt?
What of the realities I have when I dream, - my body still responds as if they are real, so what is reality?
If I am not the cause (creator) of my experience; the director of my focus of attention on some level whether awake or asleep, am I controlled by something else?
And if I am completely controlled by something other than me, what then is the purpose of my life?[By Integr8]
Take note and listen to the statement between time 13:23 to 13:48 MINUTES. At 5.18 min shows the mind is in darkness--AURA?
The objective of this blogging is to understand and beware how our mind can be fooled by MEDITATION/WISHFUL THINKING(self-induced and by stronghold internally ) and EXTERNALLY by unseen forces or even by science. Take good care of our mind (Mind of Christ).
Dust Devil and World deepest hole.
The depest hole in the world is located in the Jehuda Desert in Israel. It took over 13 seconds for a rock to reach the bottom of it, creating a bang that sounded no other than a gunshot.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Godfather Of The World, WOW ; He can make every soul bow.
(1) Even A Fool or "Insanity of the world" is more blessed than A Evil Genius For The Kingdom Of God Judge By The Heart. The evidence: The evil genius is trembled with fear and have no peace,easily get alarmed even by his own shadow and at slightest sound from the wind when he is alone. Why? Insane? Guilt!
(2)Widen the scope of Succsess, is mother Theresa not successful in the eyes of the physical world with a noble prize which you and me even we living the whole life we see none of our friends and colleagues get it? Sad to say, mother theresa the lady the whole world including me adore beyond measure, she is not in heaven she is in "somewhere else"......sad, yes real sad, I too are careful in doing things daily and even saying anything in my blogging ....
(3) Look and focus on the beautiful lady saying "SHH, The difference between insanity and genius is measured ONLY by success"----This is DARK KNOWLEGE not wise quotation to be memerised and treat it as THE LIGHTHOUSE WHILE SAILING THROUH LIFE. Going round condemning people and get SELF-condemnation.
(i) Who dare to say and insult Rothschild mentality? Asking for trouble by self-condemdation of own stupidity! moreover a clear sign of insanity is not Rothchild but the "big-mouth" fellow, need not psychiatist expertice but down the raod anyone WITH A BRAIN can confrim!!
(ii) Anyone dares to say the problem is because he is too successful--and get shamed by the way most people use to talk: "YOU MEAN success is bad?, why sour-grape?" Afterall he is smart got a BRAIN , why people are stupid? whom to blame? My money I work for it why should I give to people?
(iii)Anyone dare to vow ," I will do good cause when I am rich like him ,I will not like him SO BAD!!" Is it so easy to give just 10% of what one's has? My children do it faithfully even out of their pocket money for years, they are not rich.
The objective here of the talk which I reconige the opportunity to learn right NOW about HUMANITY so that we can reconigse and do not partake/promote DARK KNOWLEDGE. I learm that people whenever/whoever after getting MUCH(more or most) the tendency is their life HAS NO ROOM TO ACCOMODATE ANY OTHER THINGS(even good causes) AND PERSONS(even good genuine friends and family members)----No money No talk, The rest is wasting time on great grandmother story( "ye, great, but already phased out by time--No ADVANCEMENT). I dont blame Rothschild because it is a common nature of human to be "smart" in success" ,it's the dark forces prone him to behave as such, he is just a willing puppet. What apply to him also apply to any other human being. This is called traits of HUMANITY. Who can now guarantee he/she will MANAGE THE MONEY BETTER THAN HE WITH WHAT HE HAS NOW?Many still preach and inspired by the poor widow offerring of the few cents which constitued her whole life saving. From our past experience we know problems in life are "settled"("eyewashed" , "earwash" and "brainwash")most of the time by providing SCAPEGOAT and not SACRIFICE.
It is true, many will say greed; but then who is qualify to set the criteria of what is greed and refute the justification he is being a smart guy and he works smart?
[ My purpose of laying down the “non-sense”, hard-to-say kind of argument for everyone to see our human nature, it is NOT to support Rothschild family, merely to remind everyone how often is such a situation in daily talk/argument: IT BOUND DOWN TO UPRIGHTNESS AND SINCERITY which enables one to cultivate and have a JUDICIARY MIND. Of course this is an obvious BIG SCALE evil genius, but still there are many more similar/different nature/modes of cases in different magnitude of severity which either have not been exposed or the culprits have gone bankrupt, in OUR SURROUNDING.]
The Point is clear after watching the above video on Master Rothschild and if we(human) want to behave daily by arguing/debating/having doubt like this and like that, hard to say, it all depend, as the mantra goes---it is obvious that:
The source of most if not all our woes, revealed (from the present to the past): Connecting the dots through 5000 years of revisionist human history, spanning from the time of the pharaohs, all the way up to the present dynasties creating the New World Order, in a quest to perfect the enslavement of mankind. From pirates to banksters, to the ruling elite, who run the world's finances, the media and cover both side of nearly every conflict or war: the world may make more sense after watching this.
About the Producer:
As a child, she had many arguments between her parents over her father's ring, inscribed with "G", a compass and square. At a later age, years of intensive research led her to the identity , history and plans of a power "so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocking, so complete, so pervasive" that even the known 'leaders' of the world are careful not to speak in "condemnation" of it.
"Protocols of Zion" is the NWO Blueprint
The New World Order (NWO)
The Rothschild Bloodline
The power of the Rothschilds
The Truth Seeker - The Rothschilds
Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion?
The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America
The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Why Doubt 9/11? by James H. Fetzer
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice
Very brief overview of the Rothschild programme for world domination
"Zionism and Herzl: The Anti-Semitic Side"
is one of the most important videos ever made in Israel.
Please see my video "The Vatican is Ultimately Responsible" for more updated information.[ Video and text by SilverRedIndigo January 27, 2008]
My comment:Please bear with her talk,she is emotionally down,pitiful!One coment from Youtube user: "Wow, straight from the mental asylum to YouTube, this lady wastes no time. " and another comment by youtube user: “Keep digging, this guy is dead on. When the US takes a loan from the fed, they issue bonds to the fed (promissory notes), then the fed prints the money, effectively making new money which they own. Then, they can loan out 90% of the bond value to private enterprise. Dividends that go the "owners" of the fed is capped at 6%- BUT that is a HUGE 6%, mostly payable to the Rothchilds. The more war, the more loans, the more money in their pockets.”
I've studied and studied and things are started to point towards God, The Pope, The Vatican, The Jesuits, The Rothschilds, The British Monarchy -- this whole system of control is solely based on religion, the control of information & control of the money supplies!
Am I wrong??? Lay it on me![Video and Text by TruthJockey March 18, 2008 ]
Here is my comment from the learning :In sum up I see the elements of a well designed concerted effort in the consolidating and dispensation of ECONOMY,POLITIC and RELIGION worldwide to manupulate(not manage !!) the genuine mankind by the non genuine and pseudo-mankind. In the world affair daily we see,experience, and be able to testify the tragedy often caused by so called HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGEMENT is actually the practise of HUMAN RESOURCE MANUPULATION---Prices of commodity, ideology or whatever made-belief system, and the list can go on and on, start seeing from a individual family then extend the concept to office, community, nation and finally to the world enlarge. what do you call this management? Please note: ANTI-CHRIST was already in St.Paul's time, even inJesus'time [Anti-CHRIST=Anti-FATHER=Anti-Creator, not Anti-JESUS or Anti-ANY RELIGION FOUNDER---The spirit of Anti-Creator is to encourage man to have all sort of RELIGIONS but the main thing is to forget their creator the REAL ANCESTOR who is the LIFE-GIVER.]; It is all the time in the history of man even in Adam'time at Garden Of Eden. Therefore, it looks like IT IS A MOVEMENT with certain occult key figures behind the sceen, and changing from time to time! Of cource, the culminating effect would be obivious and drastic at the end time.
Must read, click this==>911:Vatican & Jesuits
The MAKE-BELIEVE world sytem= Doctrine/Ideology/Religion(MIND-washing) + OCCULT/MAGIC(EYE-washing) + PROPAGANDA(EAR-washing). In short the greatest man says: It is like the WHITE-WASHED tomb full of stink and rottening! But the dangerous arrogant fools keep on promoting this NON-SENSE by their hailing!!!.
Television, Media Mind Control and sedation
These are comments from youtube on this video:
TV is mind abuse// I cannot bring myself to watch Television. can't stand being in the same room with it on since around 2001. I watched approx. 20mins. of the dem.convention before feeling ill and left the room.
Once you realize how it's all based upon commercialization and corporate propaganda it becomes rather scary. I do believe for young children and less than intelligent people it is a form of 'mind control' , Read ' No Logo', by Naomi Klein and you will start to understand the overall addiction.// great book (Y)// I agree 100% with this video. I barely watch tv anymore except the House of reps on c-span where occasionally you will see honest members of Congress like Sherman Kucinich and as always RON PAUL. My children will not grow up being dumbed down because I teach them values,morals, integrity and truth. // Great video - especially the part about television and love! I have been studying that (love and relationships in media) for years, and have rarely seen videos outside of academia that touch upon in discussions of mind control and television manipulation! Cheers!// hit the nail right on the head!I been super worried with a 14 year old mindless twit on hand!//TV is like a bug zapper. Once you stare at it to long you automatically start imitating that fake TV life, and what will happen....YOU'LL GET ZAPPED!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Compare the AURA of the 2 videos and know the meaning of ‘Chakra’
At 4.00 min of video running :The DARK COLOUR denotes the state of NO LIFE in the soul ,DARKNESS IN THE SOUL !
Video Title:Auras on SciFi Network's "Proof Positive"
11.46 MINUTES=WHITE is someone seeking spiritually especially THE TRUTH as it is said in the video:. Yes THE WHITE LIGHT denotes the state of the soul full of THE LIFE. (John 1:The light is the life of man)
Video Title:Witch Words - Meaning of 'Chakra'
Chakra is associated with Meditation and Acupuncture !! The author of this video wrote: Witch School and Magick Tv brings you a video vocabulary of the Wiccan and Magickal World. The meaning of the Word 'Chakra' by Casey.
My comment:Which First class professors and doctors from your well known university can explain better than this person from Witch School in giving the answers to the many questions you and me like to know? He talk 'more logics' than many of my univisity "friends" and "STUFF" in 35 years of UNIVERSITY WORKING AND LIVING. Here I included the following article from: At certain intervals of this article there are markings [ Q:.......] which are questionable facts in light of main gist in the hypotesis, and as for the rest even I dont agree I regard and respect the author's opinion, but then it is up to the readers to read in between the lines. Here it goes the decision and action of launching of the corner-stone or gravestone for another life-time PH.D. study---If one is STUDIOUS and DONT-WANT -BEING-STUPID in not knowing simple English language , simple science and fundaments in religion.

My prologue :Saint Thomas exclaimed the resurrection of JesusCHRIST,” My G_d and My L_rd!”
Nowadays every sinner and many free-thinkers exclaim the similar tone of MASTER SAIN'Tan,”My G_d and My Gh_st. Ying-Yang in balance and harmony. ” [note:The fruit of knowlege of good and evil=YING and YANG union. Have you heard of BOGUS get RICH scheme, the objective is to get the MAJORITY POORER to profit the very few; Likewise it is wise not to entangle into the knowledge of BOGUS- GET- WISE(GOOD) scheme like Eve suffering the consequence from THE FRUIT OF GOOD(yang) AND EVIL(ying)---Spiritually speaking the good is the BOGUS and EVIL is the real/ultimate of substance/objective. Every decendant of Eve ( I don't know if there is anyone comes from monkey/donkey and not from eve), till today is as puzzled as Eve there and then. In everything there's an overlaping and contamination,know to discern is the wisdom. True, LIVING must go on but not at the expense of LIFE(physical and spiritual) if there is a BETTER choice. What I am talkng about is: I AM VERY CAREFUL IN THE KNOWLEGE/PHILOSOPHY OF YING-YANG which I know full of controversy because it explains and illustrates WHAT ONE CAN GETS in the state of RELATIVITY which is NOT ABSOLUTE REALITY / CERTAINTY AS A QUIDE-LINE--all depend on the circumstances and individual choice and interpretation. It never claims ANYONE/ANYTHING IS THEABSOLUTE TRUTH, JUST AS PHILOSOPHY=IDEAS!!!! BELIEF!!!!: Nothing is Good; Nothing is Evil. Just pick a forseeable case: Can the murder justify before the law with 1001 philosophy ,even by claiming of his believe that the "so-called" murder is merely a noble act helping the person to go to to heaven? The judge is also in the belief that the death is all because of karma, cause and consequence----? I know the standard dark answer is forever ready for every reasonable doubt if anyone with BRAIN and IN GOOD FAITH were to raise it: It's hard to say, it all depends. Yes ,the truth and only truth is IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHETHER MY LOVED ONES ARE INVOLVED, DON'T DARE DO IT TO ME!!!! It's a good time to pause and think for many things we have said and done in such manner. The so-called culprit is forever innocent if he/she has the serpent tongues on top of the sliver spoon to dish out something NICE for the EYES and EARS: Wow, fruits of WISDOM and SENSE.
So,according to science(physical and occult) and also so-called law of POSITIVE THINGKING, CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE and KARMA everyone reaps WHAT ONE CONFESSESS--Caveat emptor settle all: My Go_d=My Gh_st. ?
Quote:caveat emptor=YING never for soul.
阳是正气, 阴邪是鬼魔, Differentiate区分 they are 2 totally different in subject matter and basis for BODY/PHYSICAL STATE which is SCIENCE科学 ; and the former have no or little bearing on SPIRITUAL STATE AND REALM 灵(魂) meaning that in Spirit State YING is stronghold鬼魔, there should not be ANY HUMAN SPIRIT involved with ying(darkening as oposite to enlightening, fallen angel and angel of light are different in nature as to death and life. When a man is half-death is THE SAME as half-living, but the moment when doctor signs the death certificate death and life is it still the same?)
This is the confusion or overlaping of CHINESE TRADITIONAL MEDICINE and TRADITIONAL SPIRITUAL BELIEF found on YING-YANG terminology. In fact YING-YANG concept can be illustrated as A SET of parameters either off set ,reinforce or balance up like POSITIVE and NEGATIVE POLES IN MAGNETISM--This is nothing more than a pair of words describe TWO in relationship to ONE ANOTHER in certain made-up set/state/nature/system in contrary or contrast with one another e.g. Black-White, Hot-Cold, Visible-Invisibe, Beneficient-Depriving, Add-Subtract.......of course in religion itself the term is used for GOOD-EVIL. Wow, I feel "very head-ached" for all the confusion that the world have for chinese herbs(herb=plant ,but ginger,dates ....not herbs but only spieces).In actual fact,as long as no religious ritual and religious element it is NOT RELIGION, whereas a cup of water or ANYTHING after prayer even it heals IT IS JUSTIFIED AS A SERIOUS TABOO FOR CERTAIN SECTOR OF RELIGIOUS BELIEVERS--This respect should not be overlooked.
The chinese commnuity on the whole do not bother to discern on this matter, and this NATURE of misunderstanding gives satan the opporrtunity to speak with double-tongues--NO PEACE FOR THE WORLD COMMUNITY. So till today often we heard words like CHINA is against RELIGION, RELIGION IS THE OPIUM TO THE MIND. Yes religion ALSO has clear-cut YING and YANG, like HEAVEN and HELL is TOTALLY TWO DIFFERENT IDENTITY AND LOCALITY: Sad to say in this subject LIGHT-DARKNESS, DEATH-LIFE, GOOD AND EVIL corresponding to GOD AND DEVIL they have to face eyes to eyes and THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO COMPROMISE ,this is not to be treated like chinese medicine which can be rationalised and comprehended as corresponding to human relationship as in our daily earthly affair, it is a serious SPIRITUAL WARFARE of GOOD and EVIL(It spells dealth and life of SATAN and GOD, Angels of Light(of Life and Truth)and Angels of Darkness(death and Deception), and of course THE FATE OF HUMAN RACE ultimately. Therefore the rebelion of satan is being continued and extending onto this earth can not be taken lightly for such spiritual issue is not paralled to HUMAN WELFARE of RIGHT and WRONG(moral codes which tend to vaires in cultures and localities). Has anyone seen Satan fighting/arguing with God and some man go in between and explain the YING-YANG gospel? or How God and Satan love one another like us on earth to trash out differences? This paradox is alikened to Dark Knowlege is still can be regarded as KNOWLEGE like junk-food which gives a person all THE NICE FEELING but NO GOOD FOR PYSICAL WELLBEING at the end of the day--likewise DARK KNOWLEGE(Ying) DEPLETEs THE LIFE-FORCE(yang)in the SPIRIT MAN. Wow, I hope this can open up the eyes and mind.
Let This Particular Author Speak to You And See The Danger Yourself:
Kundalini defined
Kun is the Earth ... add the "di" (sometimes spelt "ti") and its the little pot of earth in the earth (one cell) .. and the bits added to the end which some transcribe as "lini" is the perpetual consciousness of the alpha and the omega expressed as potential ..
Kundalini is the energy of our natural physical beingness - the life energy of each cell of the Physical Body.Kundalini is the latent potential of the Feminine Principle of Creation - the Life-Force and life consciousness of every cell of all physical life.
Kundalini is the Refiner's Fire which straightens out the mind's distortions of Life and Nature.
Kundalini - from its roots
Kh'=a dot (black stone); hollow, aperture (sometimes symbolised by the open vagina), the cup; the yoni as the feminine symbolised
u'=the moon calling to the sun
N' =wave (as of the ocean) ebb and flow of consciousness
Dh'=virtue, merit, true wealth as in receptive, assuming focus of that which is inner
A' =the concept of going inward, within or in; the feminine of the first sound (sruti) (hidden) from which all words are formed and from which all life emanates as a bidirectional action
li' =to adhere and to hold; to rock, pulse, sway, tremble, vibrate
n' =the lotus plant; the pearl; the primal mother; seed; naked
i' =to pervade as perception or consciousness; to go beyond; to grow; to evolve;
Kundalini: what it is and what it is not
Kundalini is NOT a goddess=it is a devi - although the implication of hub and emu as the roots of "god" are correct in that it is the energy of the sacrifice of the personality and that to which all beliefs are sacrificed.
Kundalini IS the feminine energy of Nature=as being the receptor of the deva in order for fertilisation, germination and growth to take place
Kundalini is NOT coiled 3½ times =the symbol is that of a serpent coiled to strike as a "grapheme" or word picture of potential .. and, just like the serpent coils and strikes and recoils, kundalini breathes .. a bit like the ebb and flow of the tide - at a frequency that follows the Schumann resonance of the Planet.
Kundalini is not asleep.=If it was, you would be very, very dead. It is the feminine energy of conception and birth and every life change that happens in the body. It is the energy of healing self healing through metamorphosis.
The Base of the Spine!!!!=Kundalini is the Life energy of every cell in the body with its fullest potential in the Stem Cell (both adult and infant). However, its strongest potential lies in the "base chakra" because the perineum muscle which holds the whole of the pelvic floor together contains the memory of the sperm entering the egg as the act of conception.
The Virgin=refers to the primal stem cell (the potential of fertility) from which all life evolves after conception. This is the seed and the Black Stone seen in many cultures.
Kundalini does NOT pierce the brain =it dissolves the cellular records that the mind requires to form a basis of its interpretations and beliefs.
Kundalini and the Spine (Sushumna) =there are two branches to the Central Nervous System : the sympathetic (conscious - sourced in the pituitary) and the parasympathetic (unconscious sourced in the the perineum).
Kundalini and its symptoms =sourced in the center of the perineum is another subtle energy (acupuncture) channel - the Penetrating Vessel which balances every other meridian and every vital function of the body. It also controls the "Heart Brain", the flow of Blood, the act of and ability to breathe; the organs of ingestion, digestion and elimination.
Transpersonal and the Inner Feminine
The Transpersonal Experience is nothing more than this "Divine Feminine" (Kundalini), blowing apart every preconceived illusion you may have as to the nature of your reality.
Transpersonal means finding a common language to bridge the gap between the jargon of biology and psychology and the cross cultural nomenclature (mystical languages) of spirituality and religion.The Biblical Story tells us how Man was banished from the Garden of Eden by the judgment he placed upon himself for eating of the Tree of Knowledge rather than The Tree of Life.
The many expressions of one's Feminine Essence
The experience of one's "Intrinsic Life-Force" or Holy Spirit has been experienced from the most ancient Dream Time symbol of the Rainbow Serpent.
All religions or spiritual traditions speak of this Inner Feminine. The names used to describe it may be different and the symbols used vary from culture to culture.
Traditionally a closely guarded secret, this essence tends to be spoken of in veiled symbolic language, if it is spoken of at all -simply because the feminine essence of the Self is something that is Transpersonal - beyond the language of the mind to describe.The Hindus call it "Kundalini". The Japanese call it "ki", the Chinese "chi" and in Christianity, it is known as "The Holy Spirit". In Mexico, the Divine Feminine was worshiped as the serpent-god "Quetzalcoatl"; the Kung people of the Kalahari called this same power "n/um". Communion with it is the essence of the waft and weave of the "Sacred Tantra" of the Tibetan Tradition and the realization of the Toltec nagual in touch with his "Dreamer".
Native traditions of Kundalini
The American Indians know all about the energy that is awakened at the base of the spine and rises to the top of the head, but it is regarded as so sacred that they are forbidden even to pronounce its name.The Hopis believe that each human being is created in the image of "Spirit" but that the door at the top of the head closes and man falls from communion into the uninhibited expression of his own selfish will (The mark of "The Beast").The Kung believe that "n/um" is not a physical substance, but is the instead vital energy or power, a kind of supernatural potency. They describe trance by saying it feels as though they have a hole their heads, perhaps two inches wide, which extends like an empty column down the spine and into the ground.
Symbols in myths and legends.
For the Greeks and modern Medicine, the staff represents the central support of the human body or spinal cord (Central Nervous System) symbolized as the physical location of the Hindu Sushumna.
Mercury's serpent is an alchemical symbol for the process of metamorphosis. The Gnostics understood the serpent to represent the spinal cord. In ancient Greek and, later Roman mythology, we find Asclepius, the god of healing seen holding a staff which is entwined with a serpent (or sometimes two).Aescaluius represented the messenger Mercury who usually held a healing staff called the Caduceus. The one or two coiled snakes or serpents entwined around the staff, represent the energy of the Tree of Life itself which rises along the central subtle channel in a spiral double helical movement corresponding to the interplay between the Conception and Governing Meridians of Ancient Chinese Acupuncture and the Ida and Pingala of Hindu symbology.Buddha spoke of the "middle path" to achieve nirvana as he described the central channel through which this Essence ascends. Later Buddhist masters considered that the existence of the path of liberation within a human being was the greatest secret which was only to be transmitted to a few "deserving" disciples.
Western Traditions
the root of the universe is One Power divided above and below, generating itself, making itself grow, seeking itself, finding itself, being mother of itself, father of itself, sister of itself, spouse of itself, daughter of itself ...[Q:God separated light from darkness as TWO POWERS in his declaration during creation;when/where it is stated in the conventional bible that DARKNESS and LIGHT AS ONE POWER]this infinite power exists in two modes one actual, the other potential.
In the West, the knowledge of this Holy Spirit or Divine Energy of Liberation has been transmitted by the esoteric or mystical branches of all of the great religious traditions. It is present in the mystery religions of ancient Egypt; in the teachings of both the Gnostic and Neoplatonic traditions; in the Cabalistic traditions of Judaism and in the personal testaments of great Christian mystics like St. Teresa, John of the Cross and St. Augustine.[Have all these people taught/knew to discern Holy Spirit and Dark Deceiving Spirit?]The Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21).[Q: If no man can see God and live , How can GOD and HIS KINGDOM within man? or God gives His Kingdom within man, so that every man can rule like GOD and be god?]Various secret societies or "brotherhoods" -- such as the Rosicrucians, the medieval alchemists and the Freemasons -- have sprung up specifically to pass on the knowledge of this Essence to a few select initiates.The Masons speak of the Spirit Fire, that rises through the spinal column. The Masonic science of human transformation consists of moving the Spirit Fire up through 32 degrees, the number of vertebrae of the spinal column, whereupon it enters the skull.The Poet-Saints of all traditions have written & sung of classical experiences of the energy of the Tree of Life. One of these poets was Kabir ..[Q:How could anyone know it’s Tree of Life?]
Lightning flashes without any clouds. There is no sun, but there is radiant light. The Pearl in that realm forms without a shell.[Q:What type of light?No cloud means no rain, the experience probably LIKE HELL FIRE.].There is no sound and yet, the Word resounds. All light is put to shame by bright radiance. The indestructible, unfathomable lies beyond.[ ALL LIGHT is put to shame,why it’s unique? Is it the DARKENED LIGHT? It seems this light is challenging all the light]
Consciousness and Matter
The transformation from matter, or darkness, to light and "spirit" is universally acknowledged as the task of the Holy Spirit, Kundalini, the Divine Consciousness, the Serpent Power - the Feminine Essence of the Tree of Life that resides within us.[ How the Tree of Life resides within us? The fruit of DARKNESS no doubt resides within us.]
According to the Cabbala, the predicament of most human beings is to identify with Consciousness trapped in matter. Through intense prayer, meditation and a repetition of sacred syllables, these buried sparks of Man's Consciousness can be fanned into a blazing Fire and liberated from their imprisonment in the darkness of ignorance. Man's Consciousness can be raised until it rests in the crown from whence the "mystic" attains ecstatic visions and realizes his own Divine nature.[So that can be like GOD?]The Transpersonal Feminine is what allows us to expand infinitely so that we can see the whole Universe within our own Self. Then, we no longer remain a limited, bound creature as we achieve total union with Universal Consciousness, to stand self reliant unshakeable and inviolate in the innocence of our integrity.[Self righteousness?]This Holy Kundalini Spirit is there to nourish, to heal and look after and to give an individual a higher and deeper individuality.[satisfying the Ego?]
[Extracted from:]
My sum up: The serpent lies in THE CAVE at lower rib cage, just under the tip of spinal cord, behind the sex organ which involve in procreation. During anal sex the lower part of spinal cord/TAILBONE is inflicted with injury. I have read many children who are sodomised at young( by cult/perverted elements) suffered much trauma in their soul[The dark spiritual object can be thus planted] so that when they grow up they can be easily manipulated and exploited for ulterior motive The serpent is represented in the body as DOUBLE HELIX as THE STRUCTURE OF DNA.[ like two letter S twining together]. LET THE SERPENT,THE STRONGHOLD LIE DORMANT, IT”S DANGEROUS TO INVITE IT AND ENTERTAIN IT. Beware of getting into the fix like Eve being induced TO FEEL NICE AND CAN BECOME AS WISE AS GOD--The substance of the whole article seems to fit in exactly as what Eve experienced. Eve got the reverse meaning she reliased she was deceived but already too late. She was "raped" (From the circumstances I make such deduction )or implanted with serpent seed--CAIN.
I know it is hard for one who is deeply involved to take it, but it is even harder for me to speak up against the PUBLIC opinion.
MUST Read these articles,click to enter=> XXXXX and XXXX

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Nothing is hiden.
Be patient with the news in the video ,it consists of few titles. Viewing through the news.
Prove of HAARP was used to cause the big earthquake in China.
World War III is coming... borealis
中国四川汶川 大地震
全世界的实现基础设施和饥饿,播撒病毒,世界战争,全部同时实行着。别打搅中国的发展 。为了这个不可丢失人命。不是自然灾害。是恶魔的攻击。
中国请绝对召开奥林匹克运动会。 beijing olympics
我是日本人。衷心支援! 中国加油!"
A comment from a Japanese, id named fonett:
"why sichuan? cause theres china's largest natural gas field, SARS was a biological weapon by these same people.
why they do it? start ww3 essence is to kill off most of the human race, manage less people in the new world order plan. it's all starting right now with basic food shortages, spreading disease, and war. to present day there are still groups of white men believe racial superiority, they are the true criminals, they are crazy; believe it's destiny and god's will to do this.
olympics must be hold, wish china have successful olympics. i am japanese, sincerely support... go china!"
and i have to add sichuan is china's most populous province, and where china's nuclear research center and site are.
Prove of HAARP was used to cause the big earthquake in China.
12-5 biggest snow disaster, 3-14 crazy riots(5 young girls burnt alive), 5-12 biggest quake(90K dead), all those dates are 8s when added up. the quake is 88days before the olympics, 08-08 is when it starts.
traditionally 8 is a lucky # in chinese.
HAARP info:
給中國政府: 我是先把這是頻放在土豆網的,但是被刪除...
中國政府 你覺得這樣做好嗎? 把中國人的視野和思想狹窄化... 中國何以致強?
反而我們要在一個外國的網站上發表中國人的思想,於是被監視和受益給它國人民。中國政 府的智慧在哪?[ [Above Text And Video by fdsaxxxx May 16, 2008]
P.S.=Some people in Malaysia already knew somehow or rather there would be a serious earthquake. The prophesy was given earlier by someone . In fact I emailed to UCSI CEO Peter Ng and the campus staff saying that EARTH QUAKE WILL SHAKE THE WORLD SOON IN ALL ASPECTS, but all email were sent back as spasm by the UCSI, except Master Peter Ng. After I sent out the email to UCSI, 10 days later China earthquake occurred. Why it happened? There was spiritual reason behind, I won’t tell you! You want another prophesy? This time the earth QUAKE occurrence would be even more serious –RIGHT AT SOME CITY/CITIES. At that time when I emailed to UCSI : with the emphasised message: How soon, one month,2 months, even one year I don’t know but I say it in the simple ENGLISH meaning SOON. For it to be fulfilled in 10 days is it SOON? How about the future earth quake that I just mentioned? God didn’t tell when, even I know as the saying goes : THROW NO PEARL BEFORE THE SWINE. even if it is going to shake down someone’ pants showing his/her nakedness, or his premise going to quake=This is the purpose of the future earthquakes.
Video Title: 30 mins before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China
Bizarre colorful (luminous/glowing) cloud phenomenon in the sky was observed about 30 mins before the May 12, 2008 Sichuan earthquake took place. This was recorded in Tianshui, Gansu province ~450km northeast of epicenter, by someone using a cell phone.
See similar cloud formation captured 20 minutes later in a different city, ~200km east of this location:
A map of the locations with sightings of very similar phenomenon.
More photos taken, reported 1 hr before the quake.:
These clouds seemed to be glowing or somewhat luminous and seemed to resemble some characteristics of the Auroras. I am not sure exactly what they were or whether they indeed had anything to do with the quake. I am no expert anyways. See if any scientists are willing to give a full explanation.
If such phenomenon can be proved for its connection with earthquake occurrences, maybe they could be used as warning signs and would be life saving. If not, just learn these clouds as yet another rare atmospheric phenomenon and no need to panic when seeing them.
After all, this might well be just a rare atmospheric phenomenon occurred by coincidence. Though, just wondering if there's any possibility the formation of such rare clouds be catalyzed by any event??
I guess some of you might find the following articles interesting.
For Chinese readers: (about the poem that predicting the quake)
四川強震/李白「壓箱詩」預言? 純屬網路謠言!
[Video and full text by innison May 14, 2008]
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A hologram like video of a dancing Korean girl dressed like a Japanese school girl projected onto the window of a phone shop.
Britain's Prince Charles on Monday gave a speech at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, although he wasn't really there. Instead, a 3-D holographic projection of the Prince, recorded last year in the United Kingdom. (Jan. 21).
CAUTION!=My objective of putting this video on Britain's Prince Charles on Monday gave a speech at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, although he wasn't really there is=Anything can happen in this world at anytime now for A WELL DESINGED WORLDWIDE DECEPTION to be easily put up in the sky on a large scale to dupe the world of seeing THEIR LONG-DREAMED g_d/g_ds/G_D/Amazing Gh_st in the end-time. To me I believe the false ones would appear before the true-and-real one is to come.In daily living,wisdom/common sense tells us that because of the GOOD VALUE of a certain genuine product which causes the production of numerous cheap imitation goods. So logically HOLOgram and AURAgram will be exploited for HOLIgram---Heaven says,"IT's finished. YOUR're finished !" [ note: nobody including so called "CHRISTaints" understand what jesusCHRIST said on the cross IT'S FINISHED! If anyone wants to know the answer I can only give the clues: Know the difference JESUS,JESUS CHRIST and CHRIST JESUS; All the GREAT BLESSINGs hidden in CHRISTOLOGY and NOT IN CHRISTIANITY which is beyond carnal mind and teaching by bible school. To arouse and satisfying one's couriousity: I HAVE PLENTY OF SUCH EVIDENCE(materials) AND WE ARE BLESSED MUCH BY IT, though it's free, but God loathes giving to those who treasure gold and silver more than his truth!]
Monday, March 9, 2009
How Pyramid and UFO can be explained and built--Gyroscope.
African shaman performing levitation
BBC - Secret of Levitation (Part 5 of 6)
criss angel walks up a wall secrets revealed
My conclusion :
(1)LEVETATION is both physical and spiritual forces(forces=energy=frequency=vibration=sound=light, a kind of metaphysics). This is how the Egypt pyramid its heavy stones were elevated by the high priests in charge, the workers placed the stones on "something like cloth which were rolled up from the ground--This information was recorded in heaven, as my friend brother HAN saw and narrated to us few years ago!
(2)Magic sometimes is worked by man –known logic ,the mind of the subject is manupalated TO MAKE BELIEF:using ART(TACTICS) or/and SCIENCE [ see some of the youtube on this math topic so called MIND READER], some even work solely through SPIRITUAL FORCE. Holy Spirit? or Spirit of Darkness(stronghold in human)? It takes wisdom to discern. The objective of putting the videos here is :at this time , satan is exploiting the UFO and ALIENS (The fallen angels working through stronghold) to confuse human with the real issues of second coming of christ. It is hard to have a clear-cut say which is science and pseudo-science, nevertheless the human perception(deception) can be easily manupulated by unknown spiritual forces. What science can do, spiritual can even do MORE!-- This will make big-brained scientists humble ,taking the example of the above first and second video which are truly extraordinary. It is ALL WITHIN SCIENCE AND YET CAN GO BEYOND SCIENCE![It is within the grasp of human mind and yet can make the first class brain go "CU-CU"]. This is the sign of DECEPTION--Always the case: Some say it is true, on the other hand some say it is false, no matter how it is proven.
Title: Aliens, Giants, Sumerians and Planet X Nibiru and Atlantis.
There are two blood groups. The pure bloods and the Heinz 57 mongrel mix. The pure bloods are the inner circle and are known as the Illuminati/Anunnaki. These people are pure Nephilim/Reptilian blood that in their words go back to Cain and Lilith their original parents. You do not join this group of people, you are born into it. Salvation is not for the Nephilim line since they are non-human hybrids. There is not one shred of evidence that they choose to serve God. In fact Israel was instructed to exsterminate this bloodline in the past and was to show no mercy after it had re-emerged after the flood. They failed to do so and began to intermingle their seed seed with the bloodline of Cain, Ezra 9.
Video Title:THE WATCHERS: Fallen angels, Dinosaurs, & UFOs
Video Title:Vatican Connection to Extra-Terrestrial Amphibians
Please bear with the speakers, it takes patience to listen to them, but the information is precious.
This is the following to "Alien species"
Here you can see how the main Alien Races look like
starting with the well known Greys, and the Reptilians, their masters.
The Ancient Mantis are also included
The Greys are a species from Zeta Reticuli 2, Bellatrax and Orion
the most popular greys, are said to have evolved in a society where emotions were supressed, leading to a crisis, and a threat to their survival, so they came to earth searching for our DNA material(composed of 22 ET species) to create hybrids that would assure their survival
they also perform tasks for their masters, the Reptilians or Draconans(royalty) like abducting people for them or monitoring and control
they are mostly a negative race except some zetans and children looking ones
The Ancient Mantis are an old and rare branch of Greys
These Beings have long, narrow faces, with long, narrow, large eyes, sharply slanted upward and outward in an almost narrow-V position, given an almost insect-like appearance. This comparison is heightened by the Praying-Mantis types' extremely thin, long torsos, long, extremely-thin arms which are usually crooked into a sharp bend at the mid-joint, with the hand and fingers/mitten sloping almost vertically downward from the "wrist", and legs also bent at an almost right-angle at the mid-joint, creating a crouched pose. The overall effect is the characteristic "Praying Mantis" look. It should be noted that experiencers feel that this type is no insect, but rather an intelligent, gentle-spirited, but somewhat "hyper" and jerky-moving, human-like lifeform. There are both males and females.
they are so evolved they live off the energy of light, also they are telepathic
The Reptilians, with their Royalty the Draconans, who are malevolent beings that came from another universe, in fact they were dumped here, they claim this universe as theirs and they seek control and domination, they colonize and enslave many planets, are warriors and also genetic engineers, so they find life forms in planets and alter them to create races to serve them.
they dont want other races to evolve and raise to higher dimensions, so they control and manipulate so that they are regressive like them, they are concerned about earth becaused they know we are primitive hunters, warriors like them and see a threat in us using space travel to colonize other planets so they control us and are here for that purpose, they consider the earth as one of their planets, a number of them are underground and in high leadership positions(cloaked), and want us to kill each other in wars and create tensions and rivalries so that we are not united as a race and dont raise to the next dimension (4th and 5th)
also they eat us, from adults to litle children
these are the main regressive ETs
next video : the Human type ETs
if there is STILL anyone thinking: is this true? YES it is.
ps: a pic in "tall eben2" should be placed in "insectoid greys", i forgot to edit that..nevermind
aliens alien races race species greys reptilians grays reptoids dracos zetans UFO cool extraterrestrial secret cover up space crafts hybrids life forms universe above top secret
disclosure 2012 rapture et presence treatees antigravity space travel exopolitics hidden history
extraterrestrial secret cover up space crafts hybrids life forms universe above top secret disclosure 2012 rapture et presence treatees antigravity space travel exopolitics hidden history[By:AgentJoannaDark

My COMMENT:wake up to click and see for yourself==> Really? Only One? Why not, for example am I not THE ONLY ONE whom and your friends consider "strange","NOT EVEN UP TO AVERAGE MARK" let you learn up so many things here? On my part, I (Including every member of my family and many of my friends)too , have found ONLY ONE and need ONLY ONE ,Why? It is because this person MANY NO-BRAIN people have rejected, even spend hundreds of thousands ringgit to slander him and kill him for the past say 30 years but all have been slain by angels , and now....God knows... at least 1000 people who cantestify this..., for this one we receive with gladness and treasure him as THE ONLY ONE who is more important than anything and anyone else in our living and life; on the other hand many whom I am reluctant even to consider are easily hailed as GENIUS and GOD-FATHER by the crowd. How can one know ? Only the spirit man can discern.
I know it is VERY hard to understand what I am talking here, it is about things of "light and darkness" In short, ministering and warrior angels from heaven are already on earth... too many...thousands..millions..even billions soon ...they have come as men(MALE!) even in churches.....So much I can tell you. I just smile it off here. NO MORE.

The Author Text:This is the last episode in my series of 3 videos about Nibiru or Planet X. View and learn, the truth shall be known. No more half truths and lies from the high ups in power! All your answers are in this final video, answers to many questions posted to me by my fellow youtubers. To those who believe & understand stand strong with me for this truth! For those who needed more proof, view and see this truth. As for those who are Blind to this truth because they live a life of lies anyway and never wish to change, see you on the flip side. You will be the ones with you heads in the sand and butts in the air. The ones saying Oh my GOD it is real, is that Nibiru? To you I say Peace be with you, though you may find no peace. To all my fellow human beings, Peace be with us all, live life to the best of your ability, and do not fear for you have nothing to fear but fear itself.[ Youtube:AndrosEnigmaX,July 08, 2007]
Sumerians[Yezidism07 January 27, 2007]