Video Title: Reptilian Eyes and the Nephilim
Today the Adamites who are born of Adam are all tainted and part of the mixed blood while the Illuminati have kept their line pure through selective breeding. Adamites by nature follow God because their spirit is born from God himself who forms his children in the womb for his purpose and pleasure. There are only two kinds of people in the world now. The sheep and goats, the wheat and the tares, the humans and the Nephilim. Please note too that even in ancient times not all pure Nephilim were giants, but all became rulers over mankind through religion Kingship and government.[ By: uthtrekker October 29, 2007]
There are two blood groups. The pure bloods and the Heinz 57 mongrel mix. The pure bloods are the inner circle and are known as the Illuminati/Anunnaki. These people are pure Nephilim/Reptilian blood that in their words go back to Cain and Lilith their original parents. You do not join this group of people, you are born into it. Salvation is not for the Nephilim line since they are non-human hybrids. There is not one shred of evidence that they choose to serve God. In fact Israel was instructed to exsterminate this bloodline in the past and was to show no mercy after it had re-emerged after the flood. They failed to do so and began to intermingle their seed seed with the bloodline of Cain, Ezra 9.
Video Title:THE WATCHERS: Fallen angels, Dinosaurs, & UFOs
The book of Enoch as well as the bible gives us an inside look and deeper understanding of the fallen angels, their influence towards mankind, as well as explaining the origin of mythological creatures, dinosaurs, & UFOs.
Video Title:Vatican Connection to Extra-Terrestrial Amphibians
Please bear with the speakers, it takes patience to listen to them, but the information is precious.
This is the following to "Alien species"
Here you can see how the main Alien Races look like
starting with the well known Greys, and the Reptilians, their masters.
The Ancient Mantis are also included
The Greys are a species from Zeta Reticuli 2, Bellatrax and Orion
the most popular greys, are said to have evolved in a society where emotions were supressed, leading to a crisis, and a threat to their survival, so they came to earth searching for our DNA material(composed of 22 ET species) to create hybrids that would assure their survival
they also perform tasks for their masters, the Reptilians or Draconans(royalty) like abducting people for them or monitoring and control
they are mostly a negative race except some zetans and children looking ones
The Ancient Mantis are an old and rare branch of Greys
These Beings have long, narrow faces, with long, narrow, large eyes, sharply slanted upward and outward in an almost narrow-V position, given an almost insect-like appearance. This comparison is heightened by the Praying-Mantis types' extremely thin, long torsos, long, extremely-thin arms which are usually crooked into a sharp bend at the mid-joint, with the hand and fingers/mitten sloping almost vertically downward from the "wrist", and legs also bent at an almost right-angle at the mid-joint, creating a crouched pose. The overall effect is the characteristic "Praying Mantis" look. It should be noted that experiencers feel that this type is no insect, but rather an intelligent, gentle-spirited, but somewhat "hyper" and jerky-moving, human-like lifeform. There are both males and females.
they are so evolved they live off the energy of light, also they are telepathic
The Reptilians, with their Royalty the Draconans, who are malevolent beings that came from another universe, in fact they were dumped here, they claim this universe as theirs and they seek control and domination, they colonize and enslave many planets, are warriors and also genetic engineers, so they find life forms in planets and alter them to create races to serve them.
they dont want other races to evolve and raise to higher dimensions, so they control and manipulate so that they are regressive like them, they are concerned about earth becaused they know we are primitive hunters, warriors like them and see a threat in us using space travel to colonize other planets so they control us and are here for that purpose, they consider the earth as one of their planets, a number of them are underground and in high leadership positions(cloaked), and want us to kill each other in wars and create tensions and rivalries so that we are not united as a race and dont raise to the next dimension (4th and 5th)
also they eat us, from adults to litle children
these are the main regressive ETs
next video : the Human type ETs
if there is STILL anyone thinking: is this true? YES it is.
ps: a pic in "tall eben2" should be placed in "insectoid greys", i forgot to edit that..nevermind
aliens alien races race species greys reptilians grays reptoids dracos zetans UFO cool extraterrestrial secret cover up space crafts hybrids life forms universe above top secret
disclosure 2012 rapture et presence treatees antigravity space travel exopolitics hidden history
extraterrestrial secret cover up space crafts hybrids life forms universe above top secret disclosure 2012 rapture et presence treatees antigravity space travel exopolitics hidden history[By:AgentJoannaDark

My COMMENT:wake up to click and see for yourself==> Really? Only One? Why not, for example am I not THE ONLY ONE whom and your friends consider "strange","NOT EVEN UP TO AVERAGE MARK" let you learn up so many things here? On my part, I (Including every member of my family and many of my friends)too , have found ONLY ONE and need ONLY ONE ,Why? It is because this person MANY NO-BRAIN people have rejected, even spend hundreds of thousands ringgit to slander him and kill him for the past say 30 years but all have been slain by angels , and now....God knows... at least 1000 people who cantestify this..., for this one we receive with gladness and treasure him as THE ONLY ONE who is more important than anything and anyone else in our living and life; on the other hand many whom I am reluctant even to consider are easily hailed as GENIUS and GOD-FATHER by the crowd. How can one know ? Only the spirit man can discern.
I know it is VERY hard to understand what I am talking here, it is about things of "light and darkness" In short, ministering and warrior angels from heaven are already on earth... too many...thousands..millions..even billions soon ...they have come as men(MALE!) even in churches.....So much I can tell you. I just smile it off here. NO MORE.

The Author Text:This is the last episode in my series of 3 videos about Nibiru or Planet X. View and learn, the truth shall be known. No more half truths and lies from the high ups in power! All your answers are in this final video, answers to many questions posted to me by my fellow youtubers. To those who believe & understand stand strong with me for this truth! For those who needed more proof, view and see this truth. As for those who are Blind to this truth because they live a life of lies anyway and never wish to change, see you on the flip side. You will be the ones with you heads in the sand and butts in the air. The ones saying Oh my GOD it is real, is that Nibiru? To you I say Peace be with you, though you may find no peace. To all my fellow human beings, Peace be with us all, live life to the best of your ability, and do not fear for you have nothing to fear but fear itself.[ Youtube:AndrosEnigmaX,July 08, 2007]
Sumerians[Yezidism07 January 27, 2007]
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