Your Decision On THE STRANGE---Ready for CHANGED or CHAINED.

Please take notes: After complete reading this blog,come back here to read more on the following sites:

(A)Click to enter SEE THE WORLD SITUATION==> (B)YOU TUBE VIDEOS :New World Order Conspiracy\\

(C)YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE HERE FOR VERY HIGH BLESSING IN YOUR LIFE TIME, IT IS ALL FREE KNOWLEGE THAT I ACQUIRE FROM HARD LEARNING. BAD LUCK IS TRUE FOR EVERYONE; IT IS INBORN. IT IS NOT SUPERTITIOUS BELIEF BUT TRUE IN LOGICAL SCIENCE and DAILY EXPERIENCE. LEARN UP THE OPEN SECRET HERE. YOU CAN AVOID IT AND BE A FREE AND HAPPY PERSON. It is very important to know the following, but nobody tell you, check in now. Do you know: (1)What is darkness(stronghold), dark knowledge. The WORLD AND EVERY PERSON IS BEING CONTROLLED INSIDE and OUTSIDE by FORCES.........This you need to login and see it real in my blog . (2)The differences of SON OF GOD, SON OF MAN, JESUS,JESUS CHRIST and CHRIST JESUS? Otherwise it bring BAD LUCK in the belief! (3) Muslim is waiting for the second coming of Jesus? login==>

Monday, March 9, 2009

How Pyramid and UFO can be explained and built--Gyroscope.

African shaman performing levitation

BBC - Secret of Levitation (Part 5 of 6)
=Please note at time 5.00 minutes YOU CAN SEE HOW AN UFO WORKS!!!!!
criss angel walks up a wall secrets revealed
Please take note: Between time 1.23-1.31 minutes UNDER THE LEGS ARE SEEN A VIBIRATING STRAP. and AT TIME:0.59 min which is the time HIS BODY VIBRATES (his image becomes blur, but the overall of the whole screen is clear). He claims the force of universal is given to him by Jesus. This is very dangerous spiritual deception.
My conclusion :
(1)LEVETATION is both physical and spiritual forces(forces=energy=frequency=vibration=sound=light, a kind of metaphysics). This is how the Egypt pyramid its heavy stones were elevated by the high priests in charge, the workers placed the stones on "something like cloth which were rolled up from the ground--This information was recorded in heaven, as my friend brother HAN saw and narrated to us few years ago!
(2)Magic sometimes is worked by man –known logic ,the mind of the subject is manupalated TO MAKE BELIEF:using ART(TACTICS) or/and SCIENCE [ see some of the youtube on this math topic so called MIND READER], some even work solely through SPIRITUAL FORCE. Holy Spirit? or Spirit of Darkness(stronghold in human)? It takes wisdom to discern. The objective of putting the videos here is :at this time , satan is exploiting the UFO and ALIENS (The fallen angels working through stronghold) to confuse human with the real issues of second coming of christ. It is hard to have a clear-cut say which is science and pseudo-science, nevertheless the human perception(deception) can be easily manupulated by unknown spiritual forces. What science can do, spiritual can even do MORE!-- This will make big-brained scientists humble ,taking the example of the above first and second video which are truly extraordinary. It is ALL WITHIN SCIENCE AND YET CAN GO BEYOND SCIENCE![It is within the grasp of human mind and yet can make the first class brain go "CU-CU"]. This is the sign of DECEPTION--Always the case: Some say it is true, on the other hand some say it is false, no matter how it is proven.

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