Your Decision On THE STRANGE---Ready for CHANGED or CHAINED.

Please take notes: After complete reading this blog,come back here to read more on the following sites:

(A)Click to enter SEE THE WORLD SITUATION==> (B)YOU TUBE VIDEOS :New World Order Conspiracy\\

(C)YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE HERE FOR VERY HIGH BLESSING IN YOUR LIFE TIME, IT IS ALL FREE KNOWLEGE THAT I ACQUIRE FROM HARD LEARNING. BAD LUCK IS TRUE FOR EVERYONE; IT IS INBORN. IT IS NOT SUPERTITIOUS BELIEF BUT TRUE IN LOGICAL SCIENCE and DAILY EXPERIENCE. LEARN UP THE OPEN SECRET HERE. YOU CAN AVOID IT AND BE A FREE AND HAPPY PERSON. It is very important to know the following, but nobody tell you, check in now. Do you know: (1)What is darkness(stronghold), dark knowledge. The WORLD AND EVERY PERSON IS BEING CONTROLLED INSIDE and OUTSIDE by FORCES.........This you need to login and see it real in my blog . (2)The differences of SON OF GOD, SON OF MAN, JESUS,JESUS CHRIST and CHRIST JESUS? Otherwise it bring BAD LUCK in the belief! (3) Muslim is waiting for the second coming of Jesus? login==>

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


A hologram like video of a dancing Korean girl dressed like a Japanese school girl projected onto the window of a phone shop.

Britain's Prince Charles on Monday gave a speech at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, although he wasn't really there. Instead, a 3-D holographic projection of the Prince, recorded last year in the United Kingdom. (Jan. 21).

CAUTION!=My objective of putting this video on Britain's Prince Charles on Monday gave a speech at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, although he wasn't really there is=Anything can happen in this world at anytime now for A WELL DESINGED WORLDWIDE DECEPTION to be easily put up in the sky on a large scale to dupe the world of seeing THEIR LONG-DREAMED g_d/g_ds/G_D/Amazing Gh_st in the end-time. To me I believe the false ones would appear before the true-and-real one is to come.In daily living,wisdom/common sense tells us that because of the GOOD VALUE of a certain genuine product which causes the production of numerous cheap imitation goods. So logically HOLOgram and AURAgram will be exploited for HOLIgram---Heaven says,"IT's finished. YOUR're finished !" [ note: nobody including so called "CHRISTaints" understand what jesusCHRIST said on the cross IT'S FINISHED! If anyone wants to know the answer I can only give the clues: Know the difference JESUS,JESUS CHRIST and CHRIST JESUS; All the GREAT BLESSINGs hidden in CHRISTOLOGY and NOT IN CHRISTIANITY which is beyond carnal mind and teaching by bible school. To arouse and satisfying one's couriousity: I HAVE PLENTY OF SUCH EVIDENCE(materials) AND WE ARE BLESSED MUCH BY IT, though it's free, but God loathes giving to those who treasure gold and silver more than his truth!]


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