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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nothing is hiden.

VIDEO TITLE: China Earthquake caused by HAARP weapon 引发地震的证据
Be patient with the news in the video ,it consists of few titles. Viewing through the news.

Prove of HAARP was used to cause the big earthquake in China.
World War III is coming... borealis
中国四川汶川 大地震
全世界的实现基础设施和饥饿,播撒病毒,世界战争,全部同时实行着。别打搅中国的发展 。为了这个不可丢失人命。不是自然灾害。是恶魔的攻击。
中国请绝对召开奥林匹克运动会。 beijing olympics
我是日本人。衷心支援! 中国加油!"
A comment from a Japanese, id named fonett:
"why sichuan? cause theres china's largest natural gas field, SARS was a biological weapon by these same people.
why they do it? start ww3 essence is to kill off most of the human race, manage less people in the new world order plan. it's all starting right now with basic food shortages, spreading disease, and war. to present day there are still groups of white men believe racial superiority, they are the true criminals, they are crazy; believe it's destiny and god's will to do this.
olympics must be hold, wish china have successful olympics. i am japanese, sincerely support... go china!"
and i have to add sichuan is china's most populous province, and where china's nuclear research center and site are.
Prove of HAARP was used to cause the big earthquake in China.
12-5 biggest snow disaster, 3-14 crazy riots(5 young girls burnt alive), 5-12 biggest quake(90K dead), all those dates are 8s when added up. the quake is 88days before the olympics, 08-08 is when it starts.
traditionally 8 is a lucky # in chinese.

HAARP info:
給中國政府: 我是先把這是頻放在土豆網的,但是被刪除...
中國政府 你覺得這樣做好嗎? 把中國人的視野和思想狹窄化... 中國何以致強?
反而我們要在一個外國的網站上發表中國人的思想,於是被監視和受益給它國人民。中國政 府的智慧在哪?[ [Above Text And Video by fdsaxxxx May 16, 2008]

P.S.=Some people in Malaysia already knew somehow or rather there would be a serious earthquake. The prophesy was given earlier by someone . In fact I emailed to UCSI CEO Peter Ng and the campus staff saying that EARTH QUAKE WILL SHAKE THE WORLD SOON IN ALL ASPECTS, but all email were sent back as spasm by the UCSI, except Master Peter Ng. After I sent out the email to UCSI, 10 days later China earthquake occurred. Why it happened? There was spiritual reason behind, I won’t tell you! You want another prophesy? This time the earth QUAKE occurrence would be even more serious –RIGHT AT SOME CITY/CITIES. At that time when I emailed to UCSI : with the emphasised message: How soon, one month,2 months, even one year I don’t know but I say it in the simple ENGLISH meaning SOON. For it to be fulfilled in 10 days is it SOON? How about the future earth quake that I just mentioned? God didn’t tell when, even I know as the saying goes : THROW NO PEARL BEFORE THE SWINE. even if it is going to shake down someone’ pants showing his/her nakedness, or his premise going to quake=This is the purpose of the future earthquakes.

Video Title: 30 mins before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China
Bizarre colorful (luminous/glowing) cloud phenomenon in the sky was observed about 30 mins before the May 12, 2008 Sichuan earthquake took place. This was recorded in Tianshui, Gansu province ~450km northeast of epicenter, by someone using a cell phone.
See similar cloud formation captured 20 minutes later in a different city, ~200km east of this location:
A map of the locations with sightings of very similar phenomenon.
More photos taken, reported 1 hr before the quake.:
These clouds seemed to be glowing or somewhat luminous and seemed to resemble some characteristics of the Auroras. I am not sure exactly what they were or whether they indeed had anything to do with the quake. I am no expert anyways. See if any scientists are willing to give a full explanation.
If such phenomenon can be proved for its connection with earthquake occurrences, maybe they could be used as warning signs and would be life saving. If not, just learn these clouds as yet another rare atmospheric phenomenon and no need to panic when seeing them.
After all, this might well be just a rare atmospheric phenomenon occurred by coincidence. Though, just wondering if there's any possibility the formation of such rare clouds be catalyzed by any event??
I guess some of you might find the following articles interesting.
For Chinese readers: (about the poem that predicting the quake)
四川強震/李白「壓箱詩」預言? 純屬網路謠言!
[Video and full text by innison May 14, 2008]


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